Thanks for coming and please take off those shoes and stay a while!

Hey Ya'll! Welcome to my party and please...come on in! To include your blog in this party, you can go over here to 5 Minutes for Mom and see what it is all about! There are favors, prizes, & new blogger friend opportunities! Browse around my blog and come back for more throughout the week. Feel free to bring some friends!I am new to the whole blog thing but really enjoy meeting others and attempting to develop something worth reading over here!
A little info for ya'll! I am April. I live in middle Tennessee with my incredible husband, dog, & 2 cats. I have been married for 1 1/2 years. I am still learning about this wife stuff. I thought being a great wife would be a cinch. After the actual wedding, 10/1/05, I have realised that just is not so. There is a lot of work that goes into this wife thing! I signed up for it and I am up for the challenge!!
My loves include but are not limited to God, scrap booking, decorating, entertaining, running, children, serving others, & our families! I enjoy a lot of this with my husband (maybe not the first two) as I am his sidekick and he is my best friend.
My guilty pleasures incude but are not limited to Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Dark Chocolate, Mexican food & Ice cream. I lack talents in areas such as, laundry, organization, laundry, remaining calm, & did I mention laundry! I keep a full calendar here with work, church, friends, and family but I would not have it any other way. To be bored is not something I desire! I love any opportunity to laugh, be creative, be adventurous, and/or enjoy life!!!
I hope to have a great party with many things going on throughout the week! Please, keep popping back by to see what is new over here! I hope to be visiting many of you as well!
Looking forward to getting to know you!
Labels: Bloggityville
Hi April,
Nice to meet you!
Middle Tennessee, huh? My first ever blogging friend, Cindy, lives in Paris, TN. Is that nearby? You can visit her! That's the great thing about blogging--no distance at all.
You are married just a little longer than our own daughter, Katie. She and Eric were married August of 2006 and are having such fun starting their new lives, new jobs and decorating their new home! I, of course, am busy waiting for the grandbabies! tee-hee, a little.
Stop by if you get a chance.....
Diane Viere, at March 2, 2007 at 2:15:00 PM GMT-5
Hi April,
Thanks for visiting The Baby Boutique Blog! I am just a little north of you in central KY.
We share some of the same interests too. Come on by my personal blog ( to read more about that.
Dollymama, at March 2, 2007 at 3:21:00 PM GMT-5
Thanks for visiting my Exploring Adoption blog. I hope you send your friends who are adopting from Russia my way.
Nice to "meet" you!
Laura Christianson, at March 2, 2007 at 3:28:00 PM GMT-5
Hi! Blessings to you from the Blog Party! I like your site, and will be back to look around some more. Have a great weekend :)
Anonymous, at March 2, 2007 at 3:45:00 PM GMT-5
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your template. I also love that you quote Captain Picard. And yes, life with 4 boys is always an adventure!
Jana, at March 2, 2007 at 3:51:00 PM GMT-5
April, thanks for visiting my blog. It is fun to meet a fellow Tennessean! I am bookmarking you so I can remember where to find you. Your new blog design is beautiful! I am waiting on a new one as well. As far as marriage goes, you are right, it can be work. But it is worth the effort! I hope to "talk" with you again!
Anonymous, at March 2, 2007 at 3:52:00 PM GMT-5
My shoes are off...I'm gonna stay awhile. Love your blog!
Anonymous, at March 2, 2007 at 3:59:00 PM GMT-5
Hello April, nice to meet you! You're right, being a godly wife is HARD work, but it is so rewarding. :)
I love dark chocolate too, and I also share your lack of talent in organization. I'm SO bad at that one! It's shameful, really. :)
Great party, I hope to see you at mine. :)
Crystal, at March 2, 2007 at 4:03:00 PM GMT-5
Thanks for stopping by for some cotton candy. And I'm glad you did because I've really enjoyed visiting your blog. The site design is beautiful!!
Anonymous, at March 2, 2007 at 4:08:00 PM GMT-5
Thanks for visiting my blog. Party on!
Anonymous, at March 2, 2007 at 4:14:00 PM GMT-5
April - thanks for visiting my blog! Isn't this whole thing a blast? lol I'm loving this! My brother lived in Tennessee for two years. He loved it there! :) Have a great party!
Melissa, at March 2, 2007 at 4:20:00 PM GMT-5
Hello April. Love your blog. We have a lot of the same interests, except for the running thing. I actually loathe running. I guess that comes from being quite "well endowed". (I can say that. It's all women here, right?) Anyway, marriage is definitely worth working at. The 1st year or so of mine was a wreck, but once we both submitted to God's will for our lives things really turned around. Amazing how that works! Not that I'm saying you haven't, just sharing. :)
Anyway, feel free to stop by my little blog sometime. I'm a native East Tennesseean, but now live in Missouri (which is remarkably a lot like TN).
Have a great day!
Liz, at March 2, 2007 at 6:12:00 PM GMT-5
So nice to meet you April!
I swung by to help you out with the banner - and you already have it up you clever girl!! :)
I am totally with you on the lack of talent with laundry, housekeeping, and remaining calm etc.
Sounds like you are doing a GREAT job of working hard to be a great wife. GOOD for you!!! :) It is tough!!!!
Looking forward to getting to know you better.
Janice (5 Minutes for Mom), at March 2, 2007 at 9:27:00 PM GMT-5
Yay, another Middle Tennessean! Congratulations on being a newlywed! My you and your hubby find the years more precious as they pass. Next thing you know, you'll be approaching the 10 year mark and wondering ,"where did the time go?" Enjoy the time together. Looking forward to getting to know you, and maybe we'll cross paths in person!
Lauren, at March 3, 2007 at 11:28:00 AM GMT-5
Visiting for the party. Nice to meet you!
I love, love your blog design! I especially like the quote in your header.
Lissete, at March 3, 2007 at 1:17:00 PM GMT-5
Hi April,
Thanks for stopping by - what a fun party! I love your Wordless Wednesday...I may need to borrow that idea...
Catherine, at March 3, 2007 at 2:33:00 PM GMT-5
Very nice to meet you!
I met my hubby in Murfreesboro, before he moved me to Texas!
Anonymous, at March 3, 2007 at 6:41:00 PM GMT-5
Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party. Nice to meet ya!!!
Have a great party week.
Awesome blog design...I Love it.
It is an eye popper.
My first party favor give-away has begun. Come on over when you get a chance.
Monkey Giggles, at March 3, 2007 at 6:54:00 PM GMT-5
Hi April..I'm in Tn too! Great to see someone else from here as well. Your blog is really cute!
CG, at March 4, 2007 at 9:12:00 AM GMT-5
Hi nice to meet you
visit me at
Jen and family, at March 4, 2007 at 6:38:00 PM GMT-5
Hi April nice to meet you
I love God and children too
visit me at
Jen and family, at March 4, 2007 at 7:31:00 PM GMT-5
Cool new blog! Just stopping in for the party--come over to mine at for some festive exploding bubbles--I bet your DH will like them!
Bookmom, at March 4, 2007 at 8:27:00 PM GMT-5
just dropping in on the party circuit from the English end of the party.
Aisling, at March 5, 2007 at 12:52:00 PM GMT-5
Beautiful design! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Chicky, at March 5, 2007 at 9:34:00 PM GMT-5
I lack laundry skills too. I always want to do it but it just never seems to get done. If you ever figure it out let me know.
Jen, at March 6, 2007 at 11:50:00 AM GMT-5
great design!
Laurel, at March 6, 2007 at 12:36:00 PM GMT-5
thanks for visiting.. anyways, your from tenn... my mom her grand parents live in tenn... they are kewl... i am glad you like those names.. they are good.. thanks for your thoughts..
kimmy, at March 7, 2007 at 2:39:00 PM GMT-5
I do have to say that I love your blog design! It is really cool. I will have to think about getting a unique one someday. Congratualtions on getting through your first year of wedded bliss. It is a challenge, but oh so worth it. Things change and things get easier, but there is always something else that gets harder. It is something that you constantly have to work at.
It is nice to meet you, and look forward to getting to know you better!
Crissybug, at March 8, 2007 at 12:26:00 PM GMT-5
So nice to stop by and meet you =)
Sounds like life is lots of fun over there for you and your dh.
I remember thinking the same thing when we got married ... being a wife would be so easy. It's work, but it's work I like and enjoy =)
Have a great day!
Brandie, at March 9, 2007 at 12:55:00 AM GMT-5
Stopping by for the party...I know I am a little late but with so many, I am still making rounds.
I am totally with you on the lack of talent with laundry and housekeeping. LOL
Looking forward to getting to know you better.
Lyndy in GA
Lyndy, at March 11, 2007 at 1:19:00 AM GMT-4
April, I stopped by last week, but don't think I left a comment. So I wanted to be sure and let you know how much I liked your blog, and thanks for coming by my place last week, too!
I'll check back in with you soon.
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry, at March 12, 2007 at 5:09:00 PM GMT-4
I love TN. I was raised in Memphis, attended David Lipscomb for a while and then moved off to Nebraska. I still miss that wonderful southern way of life. I'm looking forward to my trip to TN this summer.
And let me just say that even though I've been married to THE most wonderful man on earth, after 15 years, I'm still learning the wife stuff. Trust me, it will be an adventure!
Shalee, at March 13, 2007 at 12:49:00 PM GMT-4
Still visiting from the blog party. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Try to enjoy every stage of marriage, even the hard parts. It all gets better, except for the laundry.
kardel, at March 15, 2007 at 12:43:00 PM GMT-4
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