I do not have any...but I want some!!!

I am still (selfishly) debating on whether sharing this is a good idea or not!!
I saw THESE a couple of months ago and I really wanted one then. My husbands grandmother, we call her DeeDee, would be so proud of me! I do not know if these are ones that will be featured in the Apronpalooza, but I am excited to see what is going to be up for grabs!!! When I came across Apronpalooza over at Nan's blog, I was screaming with joy...on the inside, since I am in a cubicle at work amongst 20 others!! :0) I do not know why I was filled with so much excitement...I do not win things often. I guess it truly is the little things that bring me joy. I think it just reminded of how badly I want one. I will wait until next week and if I do not get one, I might just put it on a birthday list! I just realized that sharing this does lessen my chances of winning. I am ok with that! I want to share the joy!! If any of you do win, my birthday is sometime in August! :) Just teasing!!
Also, sorry about the long time in between posts. Since we have THIS going on, it is definitely taking a lot of our time and attention. We are totally ok with this! It will not be long before I am blogging my time away until we have a referral for baby girl! Toodles for now!
Labels: Deals, Precious Prizes
It's so fun reading how excited you are! :^D Warms the little cockles of my heart (what the heck are cockles?! I need to look it up.) I feel exactly the same way about the aprons and I have no idea why. They are just too darn adorable. And look on the bright side. You have a MUCH better chance of winning than I do! LOL!
Nice to meet you April!
Nan, at May 29, 2007 at 6:19:00 PM GMT-4
Oh, you're gonna love me... Check out my updated list of sponsors! :^D
Nan, at May 30, 2007 at 9:22:00 AM GMT-4
Cute! Who knew? I have one Heather made for a 4-H project when she was about 12. Check it out some time. Maybe she will make you one. Sure beats 70 bucks.
Mom Smith
Grammy Lee, at June 18, 2007 at 4:43:00 PM GMT-4
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