It is funny how all of a sudden... since we started the adoption process
-We see a baby and think of our future child.
-We hear a parent with a crying child and instead of getting annoyed, we have compassion for that parent because we will soon be in that position.
-Everywhere we go, we evaluate whether or not it is "baby girl friendly."
-We hear a story about something unfortunate happening to a child, and wonder "What if that happened to our child?"
-We (or really I on this one) see a cute little outfit on sale and just have to buy it. I can not help but picture our little one in that... it is on sale after all!
-We see a happy baby and it reminds us of the joy that we hope to bring to our child's life!
-We are now what we would classify as, adoption blog-a-holics!
-When we get hungry, too hot, or too cold, we consider our child. How often (before we bring her home) will she go hungry, be too hot, or too cold?
Every decision we make revolves around our future child.
-Should we spend this money?
-Let's declutter!
-What will our parents be called by this child?
-How often and who will we have babysit our child?
-What discipline methods are going to be healthy for our little one?
-We know that light blue walls are recommended for a previously institutionalized child, but for a girl?
-How early and how much money should we use to start a college fund?
-Our camera is broken so in looking for a new one, which one is going to capture our child best? How to fit this in wisely with all of the expenses we have?
-We are going to need laptop so that when we go to Vietnam, we will be able to keep in touch with family and definitely post pictures of the process. How to fit this in wisely with all of the expenses we have?
I just had to get this out here. We are early in the process but find ourselves consumed with these thoughts. It makes me smile to see a joyful child or a happy family of 3 or more because I know that we will soon be there! It reminds us to make efforts to enjoy the moment and not hurry through any of the stages of our future children's lives!
**Edit to the original post: Brandon informed me, on the way to work, that I was talking in my sleep last night. He said I was getting very aggravated and huffing and puffing. He asked me what was wrong and I replied "they don't have a baby carrier!" He asked me again because he did not understand and I repeated that. He said I just went right back to sleep. He said he was laughing hysterically. I promise I do not remember a bit of this. You know it is bad when things like this start to happen!**
-We hear a parent with a crying child and instead of getting annoyed, we have compassion for that parent because we will soon be in that position.
-Everywhere we go, we evaluate whether or not it is "baby girl friendly."
-We hear a story about something unfortunate happening to a child, and wonder "What if that happened to our child?"
-We (or really I on this one) see a cute little outfit on sale and just have to buy it. I can not help but picture our little one in that... it is on sale after all!
-We see a happy baby and it reminds us of the joy that we hope to bring to our child's life!
-We are now what we would classify as, adoption blog-a-holics!
-When we get hungry, too hot, or too cold, we consider our child. How often (before we bring her home) will she go hungry, be too hot, or too cold?
Every decision we make revolves around our future child.
-Should we spend this money?
-Let's declutter!
-What will our parents be called by this child?
-How often and who will we have babysit our child?
-What discipline methods are going to be healthy for our little one?
-We know that light blue walls are recommended for a previously institutionalized child, but for a girl?
-How early and how much money should we use to start a college fund?
-Our camera is broken so in looking for a new one, which one is going to capture our child best? How to fit this in wisely with all of the expenses we have?
-We are going to need laptop so that when we go to Vietnam, we will be able to keep in touch with family and definitely post pictures of the process. How to fit this in wisely with all of the expenses we have?
I just had to get this out here. We are early in the process but find ourselves consumed with these thoughts. It makes me smile to see a joyful child or a happy family of 3 or more because I know that we will soon be there! It reminds us to make efforts to enjoy the moment and not hurry through any of the stages of our future children's lives!
**Edit to the original post: Brandon informed me, on the way to work, that I was talking in my sleep last night. He said I was getting very aggravated and huffing and puffing. He asked me what was wrong and I replied "they don't have a baby carrier!" He asked me again because he did not understand and I repeated that. He said I just went right back to sleep. He said he was laughing hysterically. I promise I do not remember a bit of this. You know it is bad when things like this start to happen!**
i love your thoughts and please know that clay and i are praying for yall every step of this journey. and...we will babysit your daughter anytime!
we love yall
have a great day
Anonymous, at June 28, 2007 at 9:46:00 AM GMT-4
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